Hot Forging Lubricants

All of our forging lubricants are designed to give maximum lubrication and release even in the most arduous forging processes. We can offer graphite-containing or graphite-free products, available in water dilutable or use as supplied formulations. We also have special products for circulating systems in automatic forging machines.
- Spray Type water dilutable graphite based forging lubricants, for simple and critical forging applications for increased die life.
- Oil and graphite based forging lubricants for better die life and precise forgings with reduced smoke generation.
- Oil and graphite free synthetic forging lubricants for relatively simple forgings and warm forging applications.
Forging Lubricants Product Range

Water-based graphited hot forging lubricants for medium to heavy duty applications ranging from Crankshaft, Camshaft, Nosing operation of Shells, Piercing operations in the cylinder Industry. The products can be applied by either spraying or swabbing.

- Water-based graphite free hot forging lubricants for light duty forging operations of simple parts like lug gears.

- Oil-based graphited hot forging lubricants for usage in all types of components mostly by swabbing. It can also be used by spraying with suitable spray systems.
